Epigenetics is a mechanism that regulates gene activity without changes in DNA sequence and is an important mechanism that governs many biological events such as environmental adaptation, development, and reproduction.
The To Laboratory is pursuing the possibility of revolutionizing the plant research fields by exploring epigenetics.
Based on the pioneering outcomes of our basic researches, we aim to establish a new paradigm, revolutionize plant growth and environmental adaptability, and contribute to a sustainable future.
Epigenetics is common to all eukaryotes and is a fundamental mechanism that controls many biological events.
Plants have led the field because mutants can be preserved as seeds, and in many cases, plants can grow even if they have mutations that are lethal in animals.
In fact, there is a lot of collaborations with researchers of other organisms. In addition to molecular biology, biochemistry, and genetics, students can also study genomics (informatics).
Now that technological advances have improved methods, the quality of research is a matter of ideas you have.
Why? How? Experience the joy of searching for the truth from phenomena.
Moreover, plants are indispensable for solving SDGs such as food, energy, and environmental issues.
We are also taking on the challenge of creating artificial gene manipulation technology based on epigenetics, so you can experience the fun of creating things.
Both basic and applied, wet and dry. We welcome those who are greedy and love to imagine!
Taiko Kim To
TO Laboratory
Dept of Life Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology
B2 building, Rm.928 (Post# B-44)
4259 Nagatsuta-cho, Midori-ku, Yokohama,Kanagawa, 226-8501, Japan
email:to.t.ab [at] m.titech.ac.jp
TO Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology